How We Work

How We Work

We work with individuals, families and children, private companies, government agencies and other charities, facilitate rehabilitation of abandoned children to families, foster care and kinship programs and to provide and facilitate social work, training, nutrition, childcare, legal services, education, disability equipment, accommodation, clothes, food, access to healthcare and child well being.

We also work with local religious group who support young children with Spiritual needs. Religion plays a significant role in thee lives of people worldwide.

Staff working with children are equipped with resources, up to date and current knowledge and skill to effectively meet the needs of every child that we care for.



Isaiah 49:15-16
”Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you, See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.

New Hope For Abandoned Children’s vision is founded on the true and unshakable foundation of the word of God. Godfrey and Ethel were raised in Christian families and are both committed Christian who work together with a team of non-Christians and other members of different faiths. In our diversity we believe in T.E.A.M

  • T – Together
  • E – Everyone
  • A – Achieves
  • M – More

We believe and uphold the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child which says childhood is separate from adulthood, and lasts until 18, it is a special, protected time, in which children must be allowed to grow, learn, play, develop and flourish with dignity.

Children Are Safe In Families and Local Commuinites

Surveys have shown that children who grow up in families whether biological families or in foster families tend to get person centred care that addresses individual needs as they grow up as compared to children who grow up in orphanages or other children institutions.

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child clearly show that children should live with their families. Where possible it is the first option that children live with their families. Every parent wants to live with their children. Families give identity to the children. Every person is proud of their family so are children.

The family setting is the centre for individual support, love, protection, and care and this is what we desire to see all the children growing up getting.